How Can You Contribute to the Development of Sarkandaugava?


The financial foundation of our association consists of membership fees (30 EUR per year), municipal support of 1,000 EUR per year (if we meet the criteria of recruiting 5 new members annually), and donations.

You can set up an automatic payment and contribute a certain amount each month. Don’t want to pay bank fees every month? A one-time donation is also very welcome!
If you can afford to buy a kilogram of strawberries for 5 euros in the summer, you can also contribute to the development of the Sarkandaugava neighborhood!

Every financial donation, no matter the amount, is highly valued and greatly appreciated by our association.

Bank Details

Sarkandaugavas attīstības biedrība
Registration Number: 40008190944
Legal address: Sarkandaugavas iela 26/7 – 419, Rīga, LV-1005
Bank: “Swedbank” AS
Account Number: LV59HABA0551055144910


Would you be willing to fully or partially sponsor your business's products or services for the projects we organize?

Do you produce household goods?
Do you make furniture?
Do you grow flowers?
Do you run an advertising agency?

No matter what field your business operates in, any kind of support for the realization of our projects is a great help.

We are always happy to meet responsive and interested partners to establish ongoing, mutually beneficial collaborations!


Free of charge, voluntarily, and with pleasure – pro bono – you can consult us, offering your professional knowledge, work, or hobby skills!

Can you take amazing photos?
Do you enjoy editing videos?
Are you skilled with a DJ set?
Are you proficient in Photoshop?

To carry out our projects successfully, we really need help from specialists in various fields. The benefit for both sides: You gain new experience and satisfaction from contributing to the greater good, and we get professional and reliable support from someone we can trust and turn to for advice.

We welcome your involvement, regardless of your area of expertise! Even if you can only help a couple of times a year or less.

Spreading the Word

Stay updated on our news, comment, like, share our posts, and help distribute printed promotional materials.

Tell others about what the association has accomplished and what’s planned for the future!